Zag Group

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Employer Introduction

ZAG Group is a high energy entrepreneurial company of big thinkers and big doers – we make the impossible possible!   Our business units and brands are uniquely positioned in the nutraceutical and botanical beverage space and are aimed at helping to improve the way modern consumers use ethnopharmacology to deal with conditions such as stress, anxiety, and pain.  Our purpose is “innovating to enhance the way people experience and enjoy their lives” by harnessing the relationship between nature and science.

We have experienced unprecedented growth over the last number of years (our revenue has exploded to the tune of 400% year over year since 2012) and we now have 130 full time employees across Canada and the US.  Our aggressive growth strategy is focused on growing our market share in North America and expanding the reach to international markets.  To do this, we need amazingly talented people who have genuine passion for natural products and the desire to be part of a fast paced, entrepreneurial company.