Sequoia Natural Brokers

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Employer Introduction


At Se­quoia Nat­ural we con­nect pre­mier brands of the nat­ural prod­ucts in­dus­try with dis­cern­ing health food stores through­out South­ern Cal­i­for­nia. For over ten years we have helped build some of the best brands in the in­dus­try. We spe­cial­ize in sell­ing spe­cialty sup­ple­ments di­rect from man­u­fac­turer to store.

We are highly se­lec­tive about the brands we rep­re­sent, choos­ing only qual­ity prod­ucts backed by sci­ence. This al­lows us to cus­tomize our ser­vice to the unique needs of each of our com­pa­nies. We help es­tab­lished brands grow and in­cu­bate in­no­v­a­tive new brands as they gain a foothold.

Our rep­re­sen­ta­tives have years of ex­pe­ri­ence in the health food in­dus­try and bring a wealth of knowl­edge and the best ser­vice to our clients and cus­tomers. We help with sales data analy­sis, pi­o­neer­ing, cat­e­gory man­age­ment and ed­u­ca­tion of sales staff. We as­sist with mer­chan­dis­ing while being your feet on the ground at over three hun­dred stores through­out the re­gion.