Pacific Pioneer Brokerage

Pacific Pioneer Brokerage's picture

Employer Introduction

Morgan & Sampson USA is a National Brokerage established in 1921. In 2014, Morgan & Sampson acquired Pacific Pioneer Brokerage an established Natural Products Brokerage headquartered in Southern California, in 2021 the companies merged into one comapany Morgan & Sampson USA, with a Natural Channel Division. MSUSA Natural Division is made up of a team of highly skilled experienced brokers located throughout the US. MSUSA Natural offers coverage in the Pacific North West, Northern California, Southern California, Rocky Mountain, and South West Regions. Our team of committed professionals ensure secure placement of new and existing products. We help brands navigate through the distribution channel, and advise on promotions and strategies. 

Our services include, Key Account calls, promotional submissions, regular store visits and product merchandising. We have many success stories and have brought many brands from dream stage to multimillion dollar wellness brands. Key Retailers we work with include Whole Foods Global & Regional buying offices, Sprouts, Natural Grocers, Fresh Thyme, Pharmaca, and Erewhon among many others.