California Olive Ranch & Lucini Italia

California Olive Ranch & Lucini Italia's picture

Employer Introduction

Founded in 1998, we were the first company to take American olive oil to a whole new level. While olives have grown in California for hundreds of years, we've pioneered new ways of cultivating and harvesting olives in order to make our extra virgin olive oil premium and affordable. We've developed our own ranches and helped family farmers throughout Northern California develop previously unusable farm acreage into olive orchards. The approach we take on growing olives uses time honored farming techniques while fully embracing modern technology; we even have apps that chart the history of each orchard. And we use sustainable production methods every step of the way. 

In 2015, California Olive Ranch acquired Lucini Italia, a leading producer and importer of premium Italian extra virgin olive oils, vinegars, salad dressings and pasta sauces. Like wine, olive oils vary according to soil, climate and olive varietal. With Lucini, we are able to offer the American consumer a wider variety of trustworthy oil.

Fresh, great tasting extra virgin olive oil inspires everything we do at California Olive Ranch. So we've made it our mission to make the highest quality extra virgin olive oil accessible to as many people as possible. We'll do it by continuing to live out our values, day after day.