Management, Senior Jobs

Jobs in senior management plan and direct a group of individuals within an organization and ensure that business operations are running effectively and efficiently and that the company meets all performance goals. Careers in this job field can include Senior Operations Manager and Project Manager.
Los Angeles, CA /...Home/Remote, Los Angeles, CA /...California
Featured Job
Confidential - Los Angeles, CA / Remote's picture
Description: We are seeking a dynamic and experienced Sales Manager or Vice President of Sales to drive growth in the natural paper goods and tableware sectors. The ideal candidate will have over 10 years of experience and established relationships with key accounts in bot...
Los Angeles, CA /...Home/Remote, Los Angeles, CA /...California

Confidential - Los Angeles, CA / Remote's picture
Description: We are importers and manufacturers of Natural disposable tableware and janitorial eco friendly products, mainly  in food services and retail space since 2015. We need a vibrant and energetic team to take the company to the next level. We are seeking an...