Greens Best Nutrition

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Employer Introduction

The Greens Best™ story began in 1997, in the Miami clinic of Dr. Mooni and his colleagues, Drs. Aguilera, March, Mayers and Aigars.  During their ongoing clinical discussions, the doctors aimed to obtain a better understanding of their patients, the patients’ health imbalances and the most efficient treatments to ensure effective recoveries.  Their common goal was to simplify a supplementation system, while ensuring the supplements patients took for their imbalances also afforded the proper nutrition relative to their deficiencies.


To reach proper effectiveness, the patients would need to take several pills, which people often do not enjoy.  To simplify treatment, the doctors chose to use powders, which would include proper supplementation for the imbalances (Ayurvedic Medicine), plus provide the required basic nutrition to assimilate the formula itself.  The use of powders demanded a palatable product taste, achieved via the best manufacturing capabilities available.  The doctors wanted to adhere to the highest standards and guidelines as required by the governing bodies and governmental agencies.  The outcome resulted in the creation of the Greens Best™ product line.